Carl Berryman: Author of “2023”, “Divided We Fall”, and “2025”
“2023”, “Divided We Fall”, and “2025” were written by Carl Berryman, the man behind these fantastic stories.
Before retiring, Carl Berryman was a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army. He served in 13 deployments over the course of 22 years, including one in Vietnam. After earning a bachelor’s degree in zoology and a doctorate in veterinary medicine from the University of Missouri, Mr. Berryman practiced veterinary medicine in Montana.
He got a master’s degree in public health from the University of Minnesota, with a specialization in zoonotic and infectious diseases, before continuing to Texas A & M University for two years of veterinary pathology doctoral study.
He worked as a staff officer in the Medical Research and Development Command at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and as a Diplomat in the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine in Korea, where he was in charge of the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons division.
He now lives in a small Wyoming town with his wife, where they enjoy hunting and fishing. Their two sons are both retired military officers, one an aerospace engineer and Hawker Siddeley Harrier aviator, and the other a U.S. Army Air Assault, Airborne, and Ranger-certified Colonel.
In the book “2023”, the People’s Republic of China explodes outside of its borders. This book presents China’s political, social, and economic rationale, military preparations, and grand strategy for such a disaster. It discusses the lack of political and military preparations by the West, the consequences for China’s neighbors, and how the world in general, and the United States in particular, will respond. Events in today’s world make it all possible. The only way to prevent World War III is to plan for it now.
Readers can ask these questions in “Divided We Fall.” What will the American people do if tyranny and political correctness become the rule of law? Where are today’s George Washingtons and Benjamin Franklins? Liberal leftist educators purposefully ignore the oppression of the more socialist government movement under the guise of political correctness. What are we willing to give up in terms of rights? Who among our youth wants to serve in the military?
Will individual patriots step forward to uphold the Constitution as the Founding Fathers intended? Who will accept the tyranny of political correctness as the law of the land at the expense of individual liberty, justice, and opinion? Who is going to be able to stand up to it? Where will the military forces stand, purportedly under civilian authority and commanded by the President, when politicians concentrate political power in their own hands, disarming the American people and denying them the means of physical resistance? What is the price we are willing to pay for our God-given individual liberties?
Carl Berryman’s book “2025” is about a surprise attack launched from the International Space Station that kills 95 percent of the urban and suburban population of the United States in two weeks due to starvation, violence, and radiation. As strategic assets are destroyed, there will be no time for retaliation. For a brief while, our cities will become jungles dominated by gangs carving out their territory in search of food, water, plunder, and rape.
An EMP attack will magnetize all internal combustion engines, causing planes to fall out of the sky and all exposed vehicles to crash owing to a loss of control. Survivors will hope for a return to normalcy in vain. China attacks the United States while Russia attacks Europe. This is a survival story.
To purchase “2023″, “Divided We Fall”, and “2025” check the links below: