The New York Times Book Review (NYTBR) features “A Frog and His Really Cool Sandals” by Michael J. Springthorpe

Michael J. Springthorpe’s colorful and fun read, “A Frog and His Really Cool Sandals,” was featured in the November issue of The New York Times Book Review.
Current non-fiction and fiction books are reviewed in The New York Times Book Review (NYTBR), a weekly paper magazine supplement to the Sunday edition of The New York Times (an American daily newspaper with a worldwide readership reported in 2020 to be a growing 6 million paid digital subscribers). It is one of the most well-known and significant book reviews in the business.
Michael Springthorpe, the writer of Harriet’s Journal, is from Australia (born in Sydney) and is presently living in the United States with his wife Kate.
In A Frog and His Really Cool Sandals, he tells a compelling tale (ably assisted by artist Enrique Aravena) set in an ethereal and other-worldly habitation. Two previous pieces, Eppie & Beppie and The Bones at Red 22, have been included in a new work, The Xipodic, which will debut in 2021. He is also working to complete the long-awaited sequel to Harriet’s Journal.
From what primordial misty, forested place did the Frog emerge, and why were the Townsfolk so bewildered and beguiled by his footwear? What part did the Pelican play? What part is the Horned Toad?? The Dark Shark?? The answers to all these questions, and others, lie within…
Readers may purchase “A Frog and His Really Cool Sandals” by Michael J. Springthorpe via these links: