“Enrichment of the Self and Soul” by Richard J. Choura is now available for purchase

“The self is a beacon for directing behavior, for presenting desirable versions of one’s image, for bringing together internalized views about who one is, and for depicting by metaphor the difficult to grasp abstractions believed to be there.”
– an excerpt from the book
Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Enrichment of the Self and Soul” by Richard J. Choura. The world is turning metaphysical today, and it is the purpose of this book to show you how to part the metaphysical curtain and see the sense of the mysterious, the poetical, and the mystical in the first principles and structures of Nature, the Universe, and the self. The book is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.
The author, Richard Choura, was born in Hartford, Connecticut. He has been married to Patricia Blackett, an artist, for the last twenty years and has two sons. He attended various universities and graduated with a mechanical engineering degree. He later pursued graduate courses at the University of Hartford and the University of New Haven and attained the status of “professional engineer.” He also worked as a consultant engineer for many well-known consulting engineering firms and Fortune 500 companies in many states.
His achievements continued, as he is also a four-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and served as a U.S. Air Traffic Controller for three years at Bangor, Maine, which is now an international airport.
Richard Choura has always loved to write about topics such as self, spirituality, aesthetics, science, philosophy, and literature. His well-written book, “Enrichment of the Self and Soul”, took him six years to write and definitely serves its great purpose, which will change the lives of its readers.
Visit www.richardchoura.com for more information about the author and the book.
“Enrichment of the Self and Soul” shows how people in other disciplines and walks of life have enhanced and enriched their selves and souls to become more successful, spiritual, and satisfied in life and how you can do the same.
As humans, we often become trapped in circumstances where we are unable to discover or change our genuine selves. This is a matter that must be resolved at all costs.
Richard J. Choura’s book presents new insights for improving yourself and your soul by bringing together spiritual thought and aesthetic vision with the holy, cultural, and scientific realms of knowledge.
It uncovers sources of inner abilities and outgrowths such as sacredness, symbols, epiphanies, and cosmic thinking, all of which have the potential to alter our view and enhance our level of spiritual awareness. It is remarkable in that it holds the spark of life. It broadens our personal and spiritual vision and “fills the voids of human life with light,” as they say.
This compelling book equips the reader with the capacity to harness the self in conjunction with spirituality in order to discover a deeper purpose in life that they have been searching for in spirituality. So, if you are yearning for a more profound spiritual meaning, this inspirational and influential book is the one you have been longing for.
“Enrichment of the Self and Soul” by Richard J. Choura is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/enrichment-of-the-self-and-soul.