Thursday, February 6, 2025
Book News

“Killing Yourself to Live: A Journey from Darkness to Light” by Randy Lee Ruble is now available for purchase

“…My whole life was partying and music. Like I said earlier, little didn’t know the path of misery it would take me down. I couldn’t see it. My choices were all part of God’s plan; in his mercy, Jesus will mold us and shape our lives in spite of the choices we make. It’s a matter of free will. The evil can only do what God allows him to do in our lives, and he can go no further.”

– an excerpt from book

Because once you are dead, there is no turning back.

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Killing Yourself to Live: A Journey from Darkness to Light” by Randy Lee Ruble. As the author puts it, “Thanks be to God who has delivered me from all my addictions. It is only by his grace, and I am able to write this book.” This inspiring and life-changing masterpiece is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

Randy Lee Ruble’s life has been a long, hard road to get him to the place where he is able to write this. He has suffered many years of drug and alcohol abuse, including three driving under the influence DUIs, three overdoses, many suicide attempts, mental hospital admissions, home confinement, substance abuse counseling, community service, probation, Alcoholics Anonymous, etc.—you name it, he has done it.

It is his great hope that the message of this journey will reach out and touch those who have gone down the same path he has traveled (or are headed that way) and inspire them to reexamine their lives and turn them around before it’s too late.

“Killing Yourself to Live: A Journey from Darkness to Light” is the story of a man’s struggle with drug and alcohol abuse, suicide attempts, mental hospital admissions, DUIs, overdoses, and police arrests starting at the age of sixteen.

It is not a pretty story, but it is one that had to be told by him so that others might not go down the same path he did. It is one of triumph in the end, though his life has been a test. And you cannot have a testimony without a test. Nothing in life happens without a reason, and Jesus is still there even when we do not want him in our lives.

In life, we have a choice and free will in every decision we make. He always chose the hard way. It is his only hope that someone reading this will be helped and forever changed by his story and come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

This is his life story from the age of sixteen and how he ended up in Las Vegas for one purpose: TO DIE. But God had other plans for his life. Seven miracles happened to him there; he was truly killing himself to live, and it is a miracle that he is able to write this today.

“Killing Yourself to Live: A Journey from Darkness to Light” by Randy Lee Ruble is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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