Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Book News

Hollywood Movie Script Coverage for “Sarcaun: The Journey” by Simone Voltaire has been released for the book’s qualification for a Hollywood movie adaptation

ARP’s Movie Script Coverage service aims to provide a written outline of the author’s book—a screenplay—that will be stored in a database that major studios can consult when seeking stories to adapt into films. Recently, a Hollywood-style script was written for Simone Voltaire’s “Sarcaun: The Journey, which will appeal to a broad audience, including teenagers and fantasy movie lovers. It is appropriate for any age; therefore, every family member can watch and enjoy the family values it promotes.

The screenplay is the common ground on which producers, directors, actors, and production teams working on the movie will collaborate from start to finish and serves as a roadmap for them in terms of what will be seen on the big screen. The production of the Movie Script coverage is to prepare for the screenplay to be produced.

This masterpiece extols family values and human qualities such as love, care, and hospitality. The story revolves around sacrificing comfort for an unknown destination to learn a valuable lesson. It teaches that a scary journey can hold the most valuable experiences, and those experiences can be useful in other areas of life. It also teaches the importance of getting along with people.

First-time novelist Simone Voltaire has always enjoyed reading novels of all genres, but especially science fiction, fantasy, and mystery novels. Her inventiveness and enthralling imagination are reflected in her appreciation of the books that she has read and enjoyed throughout the years. 

She was encouraged to begin writing to use her creativity in sharing words with others. She likes to play tennis in her spare time and spend time with loved ones and close friends while biking. She dedicated her book to her father for being her number one supporter and for believing in the things she could do. After the successful launch of her first book, she is now working on Sarcaun’s second book.

Simone Voltaire’s “Sarcaun: The Journey” is highly commended by Sarah Poulette of the US Review of Books, who acknowledges that “Elly’s adventures are riveting and suitable for science fiction or fantasy fans from young adults onwards.”

“Sarcaun: The Journey” is a story about keeping secrets, family, and sacrifice. It is about giving up one’s comfort and trusting the judgment of others to help oneself learn about others and realize how good one’s life is. It shows the importance of love but also exposes the dangers of keeping secrets.

Elly has to keep her powers secret while she’s on earth. However, she uses her powers to help Melanie and her friends escape a hostage situation. Also, Elly’s vulnerability on earth, despite her powers, will make her a lovable character, especially in a world where everyone has begun to embrace their weaknesses.

The story has the potential to generate more creative story arcs that may give way to other stories. The life and activities of King Zircon can give rise to an entire movie. Other story arcs can also be developed into movies.

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