Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Book News

“Decisions Matter: Ninety-Three Years of Experiences, Surprises, and Joys Beginning in Poverty on a Primitive Pioneer Farm” by Eleanor Marie Maier is now available for purchase

“One summer day, when I was about six years old, another catastrophic blow occurred. As Dad and us kids were coming home on a hayrack, we saw our house in flames in the distance. It burned to the ground. We lost what little we had. No one was injured, but it left us homeless. The family, however, rallied around us and helped construct a new home in a very short time.  In the meantime, we slept in the hayloft of our barn.”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is honored to publish “Decisions Matter: Ninety-Three Years of Experiences, Surprises, and Joys Beginning in Poverty on a Primitive Pioneer Farm” by Eleanor Marie Maier. This masterpiece is a remarkable story because, according to the author’s husband, it “is the story of a woman coming from a very limited background of great destitution, trauma, introversion, and somewhat of a “poor me” attitude who became a self-assured, basically content, happy, and fun-loving optimistic gal by the time I got to know her. This, even though she still basically had none of this world’s goods as we say. In many ways, she was now focused on the needs of others. By then, she was already exhibiting some of the outstanding managerial and promotional capabilities she developed to deal with the sometimes very challenging, unanticipated situations she encountered throughout her long life.” This book is also now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ARP website.

The author of the book, Eleanor Marie Maier, was born into poverty but has retired in comfort. She was born a first-generation immigrant in Canada but is a citizen of the United States. She never graduated from high school but has a college degree.

She was raised as a devout Catholic but became a Protestant. She was a secretary but chose to become a migrant worker. She was born a girl but has often envied the freedom that boys have. She has given a lot of time to make ends meet, yet she has always tried to put the interests of her family first.

The author graduated from Whitworth College, now a university, with a bachelor’s degree in Christian education. She has been active in church most of her life. Her husband, Cliff, graduated from the University of Washington with a doctorate degree in history and was a professor of history at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan, for twenty-five years. Between them, this is the third book they have collaborated on and authored.


“Decisions Matter: Ninety-Three Years of Experiences, Surprises, and Joys Beginning in Poverty on a Primitive Pioneer Farm” is a true and inspiring story of one woman’s quest not only to survive against the formidable odds of her pioneer beginnings but to rise to relative prosperity, and she is looking forward to the day when she will meet her Savior! She shares her life’s lessons and adventures, including:

  • How she rose from great poverty as a pioneer and as an orphan at a young age in extremely backward conditions during the great depression in Northern Saskatchewan to relative prosperity and very comfortable retirement years
  • How a child of Canadian immigrants became a successful citizen of both Canada and the United States
  • Why she switched from being a Roman Catholic to becoming a Protestant?
  • How she struggled, having married a devout Christian who became an ardent agnostic, believing principally in reason, and finally, after fifteen years, returning to his faith.

This book has been receiving positive feedback from the readers (ENDORSEMENTS OF BOOK REVIEWERS):

“You story shows what can be accomplished in spite of great odds when a clear goal is pursued with determination and sincerity and with unwavering commitment to a clear and specific standards.”

“This is fascinating! I love how it’s history, an autobiography, and a testimony all at once.”

“All future generations should read this si they understand how difficult life can be and how one may overcome those difficulties. I can’t wait to read the finished book. I am so proud of you, especially having written this at age ninety-three.”

“I thank you for writing this slice of North American history. Quite thrilling.” “You story and writing are amazing!”

“My summation of your book: “An inspiring story of faith, struggle, and determination to never give up.”

“Your story is captivating! What you’ve achieved in writing your story is quite an accomplishments! Congratulations.” “We wonder what will be the next for her.”


“Decisions Matter: Ninety-Three Years of Experiences, Surprises, and Joys Beginning in Poverty on a Primitive Pioneer Farm” by Eleanor Marie Maier is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/decisions-matter.

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