“La Tarte, La Tarte, Et Oh Cette Odeur” (French Edition) by Connie Smith is now available for purchase
“Mais elle ne réalisait pas qu’elle n’était pas fatiguée de cette merveilleuse odeur que produisait sa cuisine!”
“But she didn’t realize that she was not tired of that wonderful smell her cooking produced!”
– an excerpt from the book
Author Reputation is delighted to announce the publication of “La Tarte, La Tarte, Et Oh Cette Odeur” (French Edition) by Connie Smith. The value of recognizing parent’s efforts for their children is highly emphasized in this book. This is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the ARP website, and other leading online bookstores.
“La Tarte, La Tarte, Et Oh Cette Odeur” (French Edition) by Connie Smith is a children’s book that presents the story of Cindy’s mom, who loves to bake pies, cakes, and other DELICIOUS desserts! But one day, Mom gets tired of doing all the baking and cleaning up herself, and she stops cooking altogether.
Her family misses the wonderful smell of her baking. But how can they show her how grateful they are? And will Mom bake her special apple pie for Cindy’s birthday?
This story teaches children the importance of showing their appreciation for the wonderful things their parents do every day—and the fun of pitching in and helping! Moments are more precious and memorable when they are shared with the people we love, such as our family.
“The Pie, The Pie, and Oh that Smell!” (English Edition) was displayed during the Los Angeles Times Festival at the University of Southern California on April 22-23, 2023. It was attended by nearly 500 authors and hundreds of exhibitors. The festival was launched to connect individuals who read books with those who write them. The range of book genres exhibited at the festival captivated readers of all ages.
Here’s the French description of the book:
La maman de Cindy adore cuisiner de DÉLICIEUX gâteaux, pâtisseries et autres desserts ! Mais un jour, maman en a assez de faire toute la cuisine et le nettoyage elle-même, et elle arrête complètement de cuisiner. Votre famille s’ennuie de la merveilleuse odeur de votre pâtisserie. Mais comment peuvent-ils vous montrer à quel point ils sont reconnaissants? Et maman va préparer sa tarte aux pommes spéciale pour l’anniversaire de Cindy ? Le gâteau, le gâteau ! enseigne aux enfants l’importance de montrer leur appréciation pour les choses merveilleuses que leurs parents font chaque jour, et le plaisir de participer et d’aider!
“La Tarte, La Tarte, Et Oh Cette Odeur” (French Edition) by Connie Smith is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/la-tarte-la-tarte-et-oh-cette-odeur.