Sunday, February 9, 2025
Book News

“Charlie and the Elephant” (Korean Edition) by Loretta Beacham is now available for purchase

Charlie sensed something very different about the forest. It smelled VERY different from the city. She took a deep, Deep, DEEP breath. It was as if magic had suddenly entered her nostrils. The smell was better than the smell of cookies baking, which everyone knows is one of the best smells ever.”

찰리는 숲에서 매우 다른 것을 느꼈다. 그것은 도시와 매우 달랐다. 그녀는 깊게 숨을 들이쉬었다. 마치 마법이 코속으로 퍼지는 것처럼 느껴졌다. 냄새는 쿠키 굽는 냄새보다 좋았다. 그것은 모두가 알고 있는 최고의 냄새 하나이다.”

– an excerpt from the book

Author Reputation Press is delighted to announce the release of “Charlie and the Elephant” (Korean Edition) by Loretta Beacham. This is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ARP website, and other leading online bookstores. This book reminds children to be kind to all creatures.

Loretta Beacham lives in Ottawa with her partner, Adam, and their daughters, Charlotte and Violet. As a frequent visitor to extraordinary worlds in her daughters’ imaginations, Loretta Beacham enjoys sharing a good story. In Charlie and the Elephant, she was assisted by the nap-resistant imagination of the older of her two daughters, the eponymous Charlotte, who was almost four. Loretta has observed the environment of her neighborhood to embroider her characters and bring them to life.

This book is beautifully illustrated by Yvette Besner. She is a Canadian artist and currently lives in Ottawa with her husband, Shawn, and her two daughters, Leia and Serena. When she is not working on art, you can find Yvette on adventures with her family and friends, scheming up ways to spread joy.

“Charlie and the Elephant” (Korean Edition) by Loretta Beacham presents the story of Charlie, a curious and kind girl who is chosen by a big blue elephant to drive the wicked poachers out of the forest. Together with the intelligent, chatty Mr. Crow and the empathetic, self-sacrificing Miss Ash Tree, they join forces to create a daring and determined plan. With bravery and teamwork and a surprise ambush by a large flock of crows, they are able to save their Elephant friend!

Here is the Korean description of the book:

낮잠을 자는 아이들과 자지 않는 아이들에게 호기심과 친절함이 어린 여자 아이 샬롯은 큰 파란 코끼리에게 숲에서 잔인한 밀렵꾼들을 쫓아내는 일을 맡게 된다. 대담하고 결의가 있는 계획으로, 그들은 똑똑하고 말 많은 까마귀 씨와 공감능력이 뛰어나며 자기 희생적인 애쉬 나무 씨와 힘을 합쳐 적을 물리치게 된다. 용기와 팀워크, 그리고 대형 까마귀 무리의 뜻밖의 습격으로, 그들은 친구를 구하고 승리를 누린다! Loretta Beacham의 Charlie and the Elephant는 다른 생명체를 아끼는 아이, 감정을 따르고 차이를 만들기 위해 노력하는 아이에 대한 이야기이다. Yvette Besner의 아름다운 삽화와 함께 읽혀지고 기억될 책이다.

“Charlie and the Elephant” (Korean Edition) by Loretta Beacham is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore:

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