“Charlie and the Elephant” (Japanese Edition) by Loretta Beacham is now available for purchase

“チャーリーは森の中で何かとても違うものを感じま した。それは街とは非常に異なる匂いでした。彼女 は深く、とても深く、とっても深く息を吸い込みま した。まるで魔法が突然彼女の鼻に入ってきたかの ようでした。その匂いは、焼きクッキーの匂いより も良く、誰もが最高の匂いの一つだと知っていま す。”
“Charlie sensed something very different about the forest. It smelled VERY different from the city. She took a deep, Deep, DEEP breath. It was as if magic had suddenly entered her nostrils. The smell was better than the smell of cookies baking, which everyone knows is one of the best smells ever.”
– an excerpt from the book
Author Reputation Press proudly announce the release of “Charlie and the Elephant” (Japanese Edition) by Loretta Beacham. This is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ARP website, and other leading online bookstores.
Loretta Beacham appreciates sharing a fantastic story as a frequent visitor to her girls’ magical worlds. She was helped in this book by the nap-resistant imagination of her older daughter, the namesake Charlotte, who was almost four years old at the time. Loretta used her observations of her neighborhood’s environment to embellish and bring her characters to life.
Loretta Beacham lives in Ottawa with her partner, Adam, and their daughters, Charlotte and Violet. Several dust bunnies, several plush animals, a few board games, and stray LEGO parts are all part of family life.
Yvette Besner, the illustrator, is a Canadian artist. She lives in Ottawa with her husband, Shaw, and her two beautiful daughters, Leia and Serena. She loves to read about kindness, so she was happy to collaborate with Loretta on this beautiful book. When she’s not working on art, you can find Yvette on adventures with her family and friends, scheming up ways to spread joy.
“Charlie and the Elephant” (Japanese Edition) came from the author’s daughter’s imaginative story. The book is about a curious girl and kind who’s chosen by a big blue elephant to banish the cruel poachers from the forest. In a daring and determined plan, they join forces with the clever, talkative Mr. Crow and the empathetic, self-sacrificing Miss Ash Tree. With bravery, teamwork, and a surprise ambush by a large flock of crows, they save her friend and savor their victory!
Here is the Japanese description of the book:
概要 昼寝をする子供たちとしない子供たちへ。 好奇心旺盛で優しい少女、シャーロットは、大きな青い象に選ばれ、残酷な密猟者たちを森か ら追い払うことになります。大胆で決意のある計画の中で、彼らは賢く話好きなクロウさんと 共感力のある自己犠牲的なアッシュツリーさんと協力しました。勇気とチームワーク、そし て大群のカラスたちによる驚きの奇襲によって、彼らは彼女の友達を救い、勝利を手にしま す!Loretta Beachamによる「チャーリーと象」は、他の生き物を気にかける子供の物語であ り、感情に従い、差をつけるために一生懸命努力する子供の物語です。Yvette Besnerによる 美しいイラストとともに、読んで覚えておくべき一冊です。 彼女の娘たちの想像力が生み出す非凡な世界を頻繁に訪れることから、Loretta Beachamは良い 物語を共有することを楽しんでいます。『チャーリーと象』では、彼女の二人の娘のうち、ほ ぼ4歳の名前も同じシャーロットの想像力が活躍しました。彼女は自分の地域の環境を観察し、 キャラクターを描き、生き生きとさせるためにそれを利用しました。 Lorettaはパートナーのアダムと娘のシャーロットとバイオレットと一緒にオタワに住んでいま す。家族の生活にはたくさんのホコリのうさぎ、いくつかのぬいぐるみ、いくつかのボードゲ ーム、そして散らかったLEGOのピースがあります。
“Charlie and the Elephant” (Japanese Edition) by Loretta Beacham is now available for purchase via ARP Bookstore: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charlie-and-the-elephant-japanese.
For the other editions of this book, kindly check on the links below:
1. English Edition: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charlie-and-the-elephant
2. French Edition: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charlie-et-l-elephant
3. Spanish Edition: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charlie-y-el-elefante
4. Chinese Edition: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charlie-and-the-elephant-chinese
5. Tagalog Edition: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charlie-and-the-elephant-tagalog
6. Korean Edition: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charlie-and-the-elephant-korean
7. Russian Edition: https://authorreputationpress.com/products/charli-i-slon