H. Allenger’s “Polyxena” examines the different Iliad protagonists from a different viewpoint from Homer’s

H. Allenger has written Polyxena with inspiration from The Iliad by Homer. As such, there are many signs to support this resemblance, most notably the source material used by the author to create the story.
According to Allenger, his primary source for research was the Meridian Handbook of Classical Mythology, and other relevant books that contain stories regarding Troy.
The author stitched the passages together describing each individual character and structured the plot based on events as seen through the eyes of the main character in his book.
The book focuses on Polyxena’s introspection as she looks back on the past events that led to her fate, and gives fresh forms to the protagonists from Iliad including Helen, Priam, Paris, Cassandra, and others.
More importantly, the author examined all of these characters from an angle that’s entirely different from Homer’s.