Sunday, February 9, 2025
Author NewsBook News

The released website for Darlene Ewers’ masterpieces is now live

Darlene Ewers now has a live author’s website. This website can give readers biographical information about the author as well as information about how and where to buy the author’s books.

Darlene Ewers grew up on a dairy farm with two younger sisters in Wyandotte County, Kansas. They attended the same one-room country school their father, his siblings, and their grandfather attended. The smallest number of children in attendance was fifteen, and the largest group of children included twenty-one, representing all eight grades. It was the last one-room school to be closed in the State of Kansas before it was moved from the bank overlooking Island Creek to its permanent resting place at the Agricultural Hall of Fame near Kansas City, Kansas.

Darlene has enjoyed reading since early childhood, reading a hundred books during her eighth-grade year in grade school. Her favorite school day memory was listening to her teacher read the Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House book series during inclement weather or before the end of the day.

Darlene Ewers published her first book, “The Sea“, a children’s book, in 2009. However, her poem “Emotions” was published in 2000 in America as one of the best poems and poets of the 20th century by The International Library of Poetry. Darlene hopes that this book will help children develop an interest in the natural world around them.

The Sea” by Darlene Ewers was displayed during the much-anticipated annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2023 was held on April 22–23, 2023 at the University of Southern California. It was attended by nearly 500 authors and hundreds of exhibitors. The festival was launched to connect individuals who read books with those who write them. The range of book genres exhibited at the festival captivated readers of all ages.

“Seasons and Senses: Poetry & Other Thoughts” by Darlene Ewers is a collection of poems written over the course of twenty-five years by Darlene. Her life experiences growing up on a family-owned Kansas farm with her two younger sisters and about how those events reaffirmed her Christian faith. Be captivated by the beauty of her poetry and appreciate life in all aspects.

Seasons and Senses: Poetry & Other Thoughts” by Darlene Ewers was praised by Mihir Shah of the United Sates Review of Books by Mihir Shah, who states that “While faith is integral to this compilation, a strong level of purity is embedded in this work’s essence. From the descriptions of holding a newborn in “Hands” to the memories of loved ones depicted in “Memories,” Ewers exhibits an innocence and a genuine love that radiates beyond the material realm. Unsurprisingly, even her ode to the American flag exudes warmth and emotion. Above all else, Ewers’ work is one of gratitude on the spiritual level with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Simultaneously, it is an expression of thankfulness for relationships, love, and memories in the material world, albeit caught in the storm of fleeting time. Those drawn to inspirational poetry may find the author’s book just what they are looking for.”

If you are interested in purchasing the books, go to the website to find out where you can grab a copy of them. An online contact form is also available farther down in the bottom section of the website, where readers can leave a message for the author.

Visit Darlene Ewers’ website at

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